Breaking Down Your Options and Costs: Your Guide to Outsourcing IT

May 1, 2023

Outsourcing IT has become an integral part of managing a business by freeing up resources, cutting costs and snuffing out disasters. Small businesses often outsource IT to ensure that their networks and business systems remain protected and efficiently running. Offloading all or some IT tasks can allow a business to focus more on primary goals rather than the day-to-day management of running a robust IT infrastructure.

If outsourcing your IT sounds like it would benefit your business, then let’s take a deeper look into the different options that your IT partner can assist you with, as well as cost structures that can help fit your budget and needs.

4 Service Options that Your IT Partner Can Assist You With

An outsourced IT partner can help improve your IT strategy by:

  • Monitoring and Managing Your Systems: IT partners help to monitor and manage your servers, networks, applications and any devices to ensure there are no issues. Any disruptions are addressed in a timely manner and fixed before they become a bigger issue.
  • Backing Up and Implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan: In case a disaster has occurred, IT experts ensure that all your critical data is backed up and accessible so operations can continue as normal, and your data stays protected.
  • Improving Telecommunications: Your outsourced IT team can handle communications between your staff via the telephone or other communication platforms to ensure all correspondence stays on track.
  • Managing Your IT Infrastructure: IT partners can manage all aspects of your IT infrastructure, including your hardware, software and network resources.
  • Monthly Subscription or À La Carte
  • These services are typically offered either as a monthly subscription, or à la carte, depending on the needs and budget of your business.
  • Monthly Subscription: You will pay a flat fee every month for all-inclusive services. Many companies prefer this option for the consistent costs, and it works well when it comes to budgeting.
  • À La Carte: You will only pay for the services that you need. This can provide a business with more flexibility and freedom—and often comes at a lower price than having to pay for a monthly subscription.

In Conclusion

Managing your IT is never a simple task. Technological problems can occur, which can lead to downtime, delays in getting projects completed and a hit to your company’s reputation. . Outsourcing your IT can lead to increased productivity and free up allocated resources to help you focus more on running your business.

The key is finding the right business partner to help you with your needs and understand what you are looking for in an IT services provider. By partnering with MSPN, we can help implement and manage your IT strategy. Let us get to know you and your IT plans. Don’t wait—give us a call!

If you want to learn more about outsourcing IT and what it could mean for your business—check out additional blogs in our resources section.


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