Three Ways AI Cybersecurity Can Benefit Your Business in Washington

Dec 1, 2023

The days of solely using passwords to secure your network and data are over. And your IT team may be comprised of some of the best tech experts you know — but in today’s digital landscape, and with the ever-evolving skill of cybercriminals, it may not be enough to give your Washington-based business the protection it needs. 

The answer may be found in AI cybersecurity, which is artificial intelligence that picks up where your team leaves off. Implementing AI doesn’t mean you have to fire your IT staff. Rather, it will enhance their work through constant network monitoring and lighten their burden, freeing up members of your team to spruce up your website or carry out other duties to help grow your business.  

Here are some other ways AI cybersecurity can make you safer than you have been before: 

It Quickly Detects Intruders 

AI can teach itself all about your network and quickly familiarizes itself with who is permitted to access to it — and more importantly, who isn’t. Whether through passwords, retinal scans or multiple layers of authentication, AI acts as your company’s ultimate gatekeeper. Unlike humans, who need to carefully vet everyone requesting access and decide on each one, AI cybersecurity does so quickly and without compromising quality, preventing employees and customers from having to sit through long wait times while waiting for access.  

It Never Gets Tired 

Wouldn’t it be great if hackers had the decency to stick to a schedule? Or how about if they called ahead to let you know what time they planned to infect your network with ransomware? Of course, that isn’t the case. The truth is your company needs network monitoring 24/7/365 — but you and your employees are human and need to rest. AI cybersecurity, however, never drops its guard. Whether it’s 3 a.m. on a Sunday or while the turkey is getting carved on Thanksgiving, you will have the peace of mind in knowing your network is getting effective and efficient cybersecurity. No matter when a cybercriminal intends to strike, AI is ready to detect and resolve the incident long before it starts.  

It’s Consistent 

Even your best, most reliable employees miss a day of work on occasion. Sometimes it’s sickness, other days it’s car trouble — or they have some well-deserved time off coming their way. AI cybersecurity is always there. It never needs a sick day or arrives late because of a blown tire. You know what to expect, when to expect it. And knowing that AI has your cybersecurity covered no matter the time, day or holiday means you can allow your staff to serve your customers and enhance your business.  

Get the Protection Your Business Needs 

Equipping your network with AI cybersecurity is essential. If you decide to outsource your cybersecurity to an MSP in Washington, make sure it is one that offers the most modern, innovative and up-to-date protection available. It needs to provide your business with round-the-clock monitoring designed to protect your data throughout all hours of the night. Using old, cookie-cutter cybersecurity is your way of inviting smart, sophisticated hackers into your network. Contact our team to learn more about our cybersecurity services and schedule a no-risk, no-cost security assessment.  

Book a Call 

New Clients: (971) 290-1214
Existing Clients: (503) 218-3883

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